Every time we walk toward city centre, we cross the Carlisle Circus roundabout. This is where we first learned which way we would have to look not to get run over by a car. It's a lot trickier than you think it would be and Libby has saved my life with her "mom bar arm" more than once.
Immediately on the left after crossing the street is the Duncairn/St.Enoch's church which amalgamated with Whitehouse about 2-3 years ago. I have met a few folks who came from this congregation and now worship at Whitehouse. They are especially committed to cross-community outreach, which was a driving force for them staying in the largely Catholic community so long. They donated their building at Carlisle Circus to the 174 Trust and it is now used for many programs such as AA meetings, disability project, and youth fellowship. I find it interesting and reassuring that my two placements are so closely connected and that web of support of people who have the same vision for the area is inspiring.
And we're walking, we're walking...on the right is the Orange Hall. The Order of the Orange is a Loyalist organization named for William of Orange who defeated Catholic King James II. Orange Hall is no longer in frequent use because the area is now predominantly Catholic. Parades often originate from this area on significant dates and those routes can spark some riots and unrest.
I didn't mind stopping to take pictures, probably being marked as American for the millionth time, because after awhile these will become the buildings and places that I have passed so often for months. I hope that I can remember to be a tourist every now and then so I can truly share this experience with you. On our way through city centre to the waters edge we passed some fountains. I think there are some girls in Greer who might enjoy playing in these! Don't worry, the police were no where near, so they wouldn't ask you to leave the park!
Libby and I tried to look like we were in them without actually getting in. I hope you laugh at our failed attempt as much as we did!
This area on the way to the Lagan River also has some interesting random diversions such as the large water tornado...
The bell piano in the sidewalk that Libby figured out how to play "Mary Had a Little Lamb" on.
Libby was so enthusiastic about the piano and her new abilities that she didn't notice this little fella who wanted to play too. Notice his body language, poor guy.
The fish sits at the edge of the Lagan River. We've seen pictures of volunteers over the years in front of this fish and now it was our turn!
Before I thought the fish was a mark of the maritime history of Belfast, since it was known for its shipbuilding and most famously for the creation of the Titanic. Yet when we got closer we read some of the articles and captions imbedded in the sculpture. It seems also to reflect the struggle for peace and the overall history of Belfast.
There's another reason I felt called to Belfast. Northern Ireland is such a beautiful country. From our windows we can see the mountains in the distance and on my way home from church I pass the rocky coast and watch the spray crash on the rocks like a postcard. Today it was nourishing for my soul to be near water. Having grown up on a sailboat and a short drive from the Chattooga River, I feel incredible peace wash over me when I'm near a body of water. Overlooking the Lagan and peering around the corner I am reminded that the natural beauty of this place has yet to unfold itself in my adventures. I can't wait to explore Giant's Causeway, Cavehill, and the Antrim Coast. I long to be outdoors and feel the presence of God in nature in a way that cannot be truly explained. The pictures don't do the view justice, so you have to come visit.
We ended our day in city centre, passing the City Hall which is being renovated and restored.
We did some shopping at Primark which has cheap, fantastic clothes. We also "topped up" our bus journeys and then walked home, being careful to look before crossing the street.
I miss all of you very much. I miss Carolina sunshine, American football, hanging out with my family at tailgates, being picked on by cousins and Jonathan's friends even when I'm 25, Zoey dog sitting on my feet, the smell of summer on Windy Oaks Lane, downtown Gvegas, the Clock, the youth at Greer FPC and both of my church families. I'm learning to love tea time, laughing with my roommates in the kitchen and while we paint and organize our new home, the joy of the radiator turning on, popcorn made on the stove, the sunset view from our third floor landing, playing "football" with the kids at 174, and Northern Irish banter. Thank you for supporting me, loving me, and taking an interest in my journey.
1 comment:
My lovely Lauren! It makes me feel so much better when I read your blog and know that you're safe and having an amazing time. I couldn't wish for anything more...except that I wish we were there with you! It made me smile when you thought of our fountain fiasco...I laughed out loud. :) I totally expected you to start playing with the little boy that wanted to play on the piano. That would be just so Lauren, and that's why I love you! Have a great week!
P.S. B-rian been's kissing manatees, so don't worry too much about the fishy. :) smiles
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